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Find out how Resonance combines the art of storytelling with innovation, behavioural science, data science and first-hand technology expertise to deliver business outcomes.


We have entered a new epoch, one defined by data and AI. As industries increasingly rely on data to differentiate themselves from competitors and drive decision making, so too does the need for clear, precise, and impactful communication increase.

Resonance ensure messages are not only heard but resonate with the right audience, making them uniquely positioned to serve businesses in this transformative age.


tom-1"The intricacies of the data-driven landscape is written into the DNA of Resonance. We are built for the data economy."

Our Approach

We pride ourselves on taking a unique and innovative approach to every project we undertake. Our team of experts combines their extensive knowledge and experience to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Our Expertise

We have a deep understanding and mastery of our craft. Our team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, allowing us to tackle any project with confidence and precision. 

We stay ahead of the curve by constantly staying updated on the latest industry trends and technologies. This enables us to provide innovative solutions that exceed expectations.

Our Vision

We envision a world where businesses thrive and excel, empowered by our innovative solutions and strategic approach. Our goal is to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, helping them achieve their business objectives and stay ahead of the competition.



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Every brand has its challenges, we're here to help.

Our specialists are at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and cloud computing, staying ahead of the curve to deliver innovative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

With a proven track record of success, Resonance is your trusted partner for all your technical needs. 

Explore our solutions to your marketing challenges.

From AI to Cloud, Resonance proudly boasts a team of seasoned professionals with an unrivalled depth of technical expertise.

tom-1"In Tech PR we have a front row seat to the changing technology landscape. From Generative AI to Quantum, it's our job to insert our clients' voices into the narrative"

Our specialists are at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and cloud computing, staying ahead of the curve to deliver innovative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

With a proven track record of success, Resonance is your trusted partner for all your marketing needs. 

Read our Case Studies

Resonance works with the challengers, the rebels and the innovators. Read about some of our work.


Aiven was looking to cement its open source credits, Resonance analysed terabytes of Github data to create a PR news story.


When Google and Yahoo announced upcoming changes to their email policies, Resonance leveraged the news to raise EasyDMARC's global presence.

Insights from Resonance


News and views from the Resonance team.


Data and insights have never been more crucial in a world plagued with uncertainty and complexity.

Resonance interviewed 100 analyst relations professionals and found Analyst Relations (AR) has become a central force that brings strategic, competitive edges to businesses.


Claire-1"In a world where the only constant is change, how do tech brands stay one step ahead of the market? That's where Resonance comes in"

Wavelength is our regular podcast bringing you influential voices in B2B technology from journalists to marketing leaders .

Listen to our episode where we interviewed Seb Moss of DataCenterDynamics on all things Data Centre-related

Seb Moss Wavelength


Resonance is a B2B tech PR, AR and content marketing consultancy that helps brands grow.

Our passion and energy comes from the blurring of corporate reputation management and demand generation.

We are technology, business and communications experts made up of a team of computer scientists, journalists and marketing communication specialists.

Jess"Resonance is a group of technology, business and communications experts"

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Resonance is a proud member of the PRCA and holds its CMS accreditation. Our founding team members hold senior positions on the PRCA Council helping to share the future of the PR industry.


We're always on the look-out for great talent to join the team. If you're an exceptional Account Director, Account Manager - or a grad looking to build a career in Tech PR - then get in touch!


Find out more about our culture and the values that everyone who works for us embodies.

Messaging Frameworks for B2B Tech Comms

Essential Frameworks for Crafting Clear, Consistent and Compelling Messaging for your B2B Technology Company

How to approach building your messaging for impact, demand and revenue.

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Messaging Framework Templates



Introduction to Messaging Frameworks 

Definition and Importance of Messaging Frameworks

Messaging frameworks are essential in communication strategies. They guide organisations to create clear, consistent, compelling messages that resonate with their audiences. In the complex world of modern communications and the proliferation of mediums to communicate via, these frameworks bring clarity and influence by ensuring all messages align with the organisation's core values and objectives, wherever the message is.

Why are these frameworks so crucial? In short, they bring order to chaos. By aligning every piece of communication with an organisation’s core values and objectives, you can amplify your voice in a crowded marketplace and start to cut through the noise. 

Whether launching a product, managing a crisis, or engaging with stakeholders, a robust messaging framework ensures that all messages contribute to a cohesive and impactful narrative.

Reasons to use a messaging framework



Evolution of Communication Strategies

To appreciate the value of modern messaging frameworks, let's take a quick look at the history of communication strategies.

The Age of Tradition: In the past, communication was straightforward. It involved print advertisements, radio broadcasts, and television commercials. Messages were created with a one-size-fits-all approach, targeting a mostly passive audience. The goal was to inform, persuade, and sometimes entertain.

The Digital Revolution: With the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile technology, the communication landscape became as chaotic as Piccadilly Circus at rush hour. Today's audiences are active, fragmented across multiple platforms, savvy, vocal, and expect communication that is personalised, engaging, and interactive.

The Rise of Analytics: Advancements in digital technology have introduced tools to measure nearly every aspect of communication. Today, organisations can see in real-time how their messages are received, interacted with, and shared. This analytical capability has shifted strategies from gut-driven to data-driven, allowing for highly refined and personalised messaging.

Integration and Convergence: The latest development is merging traditional and digital strategies into cohesive multichannel approaches. Modern messaging frameworks must be fluid and flexible, spanning print, digital, social and beyond. They must handle marketing, public relations, customer service, and internal communication.

Timeline of communications

Over time, the use of messaging frameworks has become of increasing importance. It acts as both an anchor and a compass—keeping communication grounded in core objectives while navigating the complexities of global, digital audiences. It's not just about sending messages; it's about ensuring they have the intended impact at the intended point.

As we delve deeper into this topic, we will uncover the components of effective messaging frameworks and the principles that make them indispensable tools in the art and science of communication.

Ready your quills and parchment (or, more realistically, your digital notes).

Free Download

Messaging Framework Templates

Unlock the magic of top-notch communication with our all-in-one messaging slide templates, complete with prompts to start building your messaging. 

Download now and watch your communications transform from meh to magnificent!


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Core Messaging Frameworks

In this section, we delve into the practical application of core messaging frameworks essential for crafting compelling communication strategies in any organisation. You will learn how to effectively use established models like AIDA, PAS, and the 4Cs to enhance the clarity, impact, and consistency of your messages across various media and audience segments. By understanding and applying these frameworks, you can ensure that your communications capture attention and drive action.

It’s important to note there are many different frameworks, these are the ones we have loved and used the most for success with the brands we work with. 

What You Will Learn

Grab and Hold Attention

Understand the mechanics behind each framework and learn how to apply it to capture and sustain your audience’s interest through targeted campaigns and communications.

Address and Solve Problems

Utilise the frameworks to address specific audience pain points, enhancing the relevance and urgency of your messages. This is a critical component of generating your communications. Starting with the audience and the problem you solve for them.

Ensure Clarity and Consistency

Learn how to apply the 4Cs (Clarity, Credibility, Consistency, Competitiveness) to maintain a consistent message across all platforms while ensuring that your communications are clear and credible.

Craft Compelling Narratives

Through practical examples and step-by-step guides, discover how to weave compelling narratives that align with your organisation’s strategic objectives and resonate with your target audience.

FRAMEWORK 1: AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The AIDA model is a classic framework that guides potential customers through four key stages: capturing Attention, maintaining Interest, creating Desire, and prompting Action.

Attention involves grabbing the audience's focus through engaging content. Interest is maintained by providing relevant and informative content that is helpful and addresses your audience need. To create Desire, the model uses customer testimonials, case studies, and demonstrations to showcase the product's value and how it will help your audience. Finally, Action prompts the audience to do something, whether that’s signing up for a webinar, requesting a demo, or purchasing, often incentivised by discounts or limited-time offers. This model is particularly effective in structured, targeted marketing campaigns.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying the AIDA Model

Step 1: Capturing Attention

  • Identify Your Audience: Understand who you are targeting. Knowing your audience's preferences, habits, and what platforms they frequent will help in crafting targeted content.
  • Craft Engaging Storylines and headlines: The art of storytelling is in enabling your target audience to see themselves in the story. Your headlines should be compelling and tailored to catch the eye of your target audience. Use strong action verbs, data and numbers where possible and use customer stories.
  • Use Eye Catching Visuals that Cut Straight to It: Design visuals that stand out, whether they are infographics, videos, or images. Make sure they align with the aesthetic preferences of your audience and are clear in the message and story they are delivering.
  • Leverage Multiple Channels: Know where your audience hangs out, what they see as credible. Depending on your audience preferences, use a mix of digital channels like social media, email, or online ads to ensure broad visibility.

Step 2: Maintaining Interest

  • Provide Valuable Content: Share content that is directly relevant to the audience's needs and challenges. This could be informative blog posts, detailed whitepapers, or instructional videos.
  • Engage Regularly: Keep your audience engaged by posting regularly and responding to comments and questions. This keeps the conversation going and maintains interest.
  • Segment Your Audience: Tailor your messages to different segments of your audience. Personalised content is more likely to keep different groups interested.

Step 3: Creating Desire

  • Showcase Benefits: Highlight the benefits of your product or service, focusing on how it solves problems or improves the user's situation.
  • Use Social Proof: Share testimonials, case studies, and reviews from other customers. Seeing that others have benefited from your product can increase desire.
  • Demonstrate the Product in Action: Use video demonstrations or case studies to show exactly how your product works and the results it delivers.

Step 4: Prompting Action

  • Create a Strong Call to Action (CTA): Your CTA should be clear, compelling, and easy to find. It should tell users exactly what to do next, like "Sign Up", "Request a Demo", or "Buy Now".
  • Offer Incentives: Discounts, free trials, and limited-time offers are great ways to encourage immediate action.
  • Minimise Friction: Ensure that the process to take action is as simple as possible. Fewer steps mean higher chances of the audience completing the action.



Example Scenario 

Imagine a B2B tech company launching a new cloud storage solution for small businesses. The company begins by identifying and understanding its target audience. It then generates engaging content that clearly communicates its differentiation of security and scalability. This speaks to the drivers of the audience across channels they are on and perceive as most credible, for example, business news media and targeted LinkedIn ads featuring compelling graphics and headlines that highlight the unique selling proposition—unparalleled security and scalability. 

Interest is maintained through detailed blog posts and whitepapers that dive further into the problem and begin to explain technical specifications and benefits, focusing on solving common data storage challenges for small businesses.

The company shares customer testimonials and case studies demonstrating the product's benefits for similar businesses to build desire. Finally, action is driven by an exclusive webinar offering direct engagement, a detailed product demonstration, and a limited-time discount for attendees to encourage immediate signups.

This structured approach ensures clear, consistent, and compelling messaging that aligns with the company’s core values and objectives, effectively engaging the target audience.


AIDA Framework and the Buyer's Journey

The AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) aligns seamlessly with the stages of the buyer's journey depicted in the image. 

Buyers journey 2

In the Awareness stage, efforts are focused on capturing the audience's attention through engaging content like SEO, social media, and PR. 

Moving into the Consideration phase, maintaining interest is key, utilising email marketing, webinars, and thought leadership to keep prospects engaged and informed. As potential customers reach the Decision stage, creating desire becomes crucial; this is achieved through compelling case studies, demos, and testimonials that showcase the product's value and benefits. 

Finally, the Action stage prompts the audience to take definitive steps, such as signing up for a demo or making a purchase, often incentivised by limited-time offers or detailed ROI indicators. 

This structured approach ensures a clear, consistent, and compelling messaging strategy that guides prospects seamlessly through their buying journey.


FRAMEWORK 2: PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve)

The PAS framework is your go-to strategy for communicating your ability to support your customer’s pesky pain points head-on. It’s all about identifying a Problem, stirring up a bit of Agitation, and then swooping in with a Solution.

First things first, clearly spell out the customer's problem to grab their attention. Got their ears? Good. Now, crank up the heat by highlighting the discomfort or inconvenience caused by this problem, creating a sense of urgency. Feel that tension? Perfect.

Now for the hero moment—present your product or service as the shining solution. Explain how it swoops in to save the day, effectively resolving the issue and bringing clear, undeniable benefits.

This framework is especially potent in targeted marketing campaigns where solving problems and ensuring customer satisfaction are the name of the game.


Step-by-step Guide for Using PAS for B2B Technology Messaging

Step 1: Identify the Problem

  • Research Your Audience: Understand your target audience's needs, challenges, and pain points through surveys, interviews, and market research.
  • Define the Problem: Clearly articulate the specific problem your audience is facing. Be precise and ensure it resonates with their experiences.

Step 2: Agitate the Problem

  • Highlight the Pain: Describe the negative impact or consequences of the problem. Make it relatable and tangible.
  • Create Urgency: Emphasise why this problem needs immediate attention. Use emotional triggers to enhance the sense of urgency.

Step 3: Present the Solution

  • Introduce Your Product/Service: Position your product or service as the ideal solution to the identified problem.
  • Explain How It Solves the Problem: Provide clear and concise details on how your solution addresses the pain points effectively.
  • Highlight the Benefits: Focus on the key benefits and positive outcomes that your audience will experience.


Framework 3: The  4Cs - Clarity, Credibility, Consistency, Competitiveness


The 4Cs framework is your blueprint for creating messages that are clear, credible, consistent, and competitive. This ensures a robust market presence and helps your communication stand out. It helps you differentiate, driving clear blue water between you and the rest of the market. Let’s break it down:

  • Clarity: Make your message straightforward to understand. Avoid jargon. Keep it simple.
  • Credibility: Build trust by providing accurate, reliable information. Use data, testimonials, and reputable sources to back up your claims.
  • Consistency: Maintain a uniform message across all channels and platforms. This reinforces your brand identity and ensures your audience remembers what you stand for.
  • Competitiveness: Highlight the unique advantages of your product or service that set you apart from the competition. Show why your audience should choose you over others.


Step-by-Step Guide for Developing the 4Cs Framework

Step 1: Clarity

  • Define Your Message: What is the key message you want to convey? Ensure you know your audience, market landscape and competitors to develop this.
  • Simplify: Break down complex ideas into simple, understandable parts.
  • Avoid Jargon: Use plain language that your audience can easily grasp.

Step 2: Credibility

  • Gather Data: Collect relevant data and statistics that support your message.
  • Use Testimonials: Include quotes or case studies from satisfied customers.
  • Cite Reputable Sources: Refer to well-known and trusted sources to back up your claims.

Step 3: Consistency

  • Develop a Style Guide: Create guidelines for tone, style, and branding.
  • Uniform Messaging: Ensure all communication materials follow the same guidelines.
  • Regular Review: Periodically review all content to ensure consistency.

Step 4: Competitiveness

  • Identify Unique Selling Points (USPs): What makes your product or service better than the competition?
  • Highlight Benefits: Focus on the advantages and benefits that are unique to your offering.
  • Compare with Competitors: Show direct comparisons that highlight your strengths.
Example of a Completed 4Cs Framework


  • Message: Our cloud storage solution integrates seamlessly with existing business systems.
  • Simplified Explanation: “Easily manage and secure your data with our user friendly cloud storage.”


  • Data: “95% of users report improved data management efficiency.”
  • Testimonial: “Switching to this solution has streamlined our data handling—John Doe, CTO, TechCorp.”
  • Source: “As cited in Forbes, our technology leads the industry in data security.”


  •  Style Guide: Developed guidelines for tone, style, and branding.
  •  Uniform Messaging: Applied across all channels.
  •  Review: Conducted regular content audits to maintain consistency.


  •  USPs: “AIdriven analytics and superior integration capabilities.”
  •  Benefits: “Experience a 50% increase in productivity with our solution.”
  •  Comparison: “Unlike Competitor X, our solution offers 24/7 customer support.”


Framework 4: Why Change, Why Now, Why You

The "Why Change, Why Now, Why Brand X" framework is a powerful tool for guiding potential customers through the buying decision-making process. It addresses the need for change, the urgency of making a decision, and why your brand is the best choice.

This framework ensures that your messaging is persuasive and compelling, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

3 Whys

Step-by-Step Guide for Developing the "Why Change, Why Now, Why Brand X" Framework

Step 1: Why Change

Identify Current Problems: What issues or inefficiencies are your customers currently facing? Highlight the pain points that necessitate a change. 

Example: "Many businesses struggle with outdated software that hampers productivity and leads to frequent downtime."

Highlight the Consequences: What are the negative impacts of not changing? Emphasise the risks and drawbacks of the current situation.

Example: "Continuing to use outdated software can result in lost revenue, decreased employee satisfaction, and a competitive disadvantage."

Step 2: Why Now

Create a Sense of Urgency: Why is it crucial to address these issues immediately? Use data and trends to back up your points.

Example: "With the rapid pace of technological advancement, delaying the upgrade could further exacerbate these issues and widen the gap with competitors."

Leverage Timely Factors: Are there external factors (e.g., regulatory changes, market shifts) that make now the ideal time for change?

Example: "New data protection regulations require more robust and compliant software solutions, making now the perfect time to upgrade."

Step 3: Why [Insert Your Brand Here]

Showcase Unique Selling Points (USPs): What sets your product or service apart from competitors? What sets your knowledge, understanding and foresight apart? Highlight your expertise, features and benefits that are unique to your offering.

Example: "Our software offers industry-leading security features and seamless integration capabilities that no other provider can match."

Provide Proof of Excellence: Use testimonials, case studies, and performance metrics to build credibility and demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution.

Example: "Join thousands of satisfied customers who have seen a 30% increase in productivity after switching to our software."

Align with Customer Values: Ensure your brand’s values resonate with your target audience’s values and priorities.

Example: "We prioritise data security and user experience, ensuring that our clients not only meet regulatory standards but also achieve optimal operational efficiency."


Framework 5: Value Proposition Canvas

The Value Proposition Canvas is your go-to tool for ensuring that your product or service aligns seamlessly with your customer’s values and needs. It’s all about pinpointing customer pain points and desires, and then tailoring your messaging and proposition to address these effectively, boosting customer satisfaction and engagement.

Value Proposition Canvas

Step-by-Step Guide for Developing the Value Proposition Canvas

Step 1: Customer Profile

Identify Customer Jobs: What tasks are your customers trying to accomplish? What are their functional, social, and emotional jobs?

Example: IT managers needing to safeguard corporate data.

Determine Pains: What are the main challenges or problems your customers face? What risks do they fear?

Example: Struggling with complex security setups, integrating multiple tools, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Identify Gains: What do your customers want to achieve? What are their desires and expectations?

Example: Robust protection, seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure, compliance with international standards.

Step 2: Value Map

List Products & Services: What products and services do you offer that help your customers get their jobs done?

Example: Comprehensive cybersecurity suites, compliance consulting.

Describe Pain Relievers: How do your products and services alleviate customer pains?

Example: One-stop-shop solution, easy-to-manage dashboard, 24/7 customer support.

Detail Gain Creators: How do your products and services create customer gains?

Example: Enhanced security protocols, reduced risk of data breaches, assurance of regulatory compliance.

Framework 6: SCQA Framework (Situation, Complication, Question, Answer)

The SCQA framework is your go-to tool for structuring clear and compelling messages, particularly in contexts that require precision and impact, like press releases or public announcements. It starts with setting out your table with the following:

  1. Situation to establish context, identifying a….
  2. Complication to highlight a challenge, posing a…
  3. Question that arises from the complication, and concluding with an…
  4. Answer to provide a resolution or response.


Step-by-Step Guide for Developing the SCQA Framework

Step 1: Situation

Establish Context: Describe the current state or background of the situation. Provide the necessary details to set the scene.

Example: "TechCorp has been a leader in cybersecurity solutions for over a decade, safeguarding enterprises across the globe."

Step 2: Complication

Highlight the Challenge: Identify the complication or problem that disrupts the situation. This adds tension and makes the reader understand the stakes.

Example: "However, recent global increases in cyberattacks have exposed new vulnerabilities in the industry-standard security protocols."

Step 3: Question

Pose a Relevant Question: Frame a question that naturally arises from the complication. This question should hint at the need for a solution.

Example: "How can businesses protect themselves effectively in this evolving threat landscape?"

Step 4: Answer

Provide a Resolution: Offer a clear and concise answer to the question. This is your solution, product, or service that addresses the complication.

Example: "TechCorp is launching SecureShield 2.0, the latest in cybersecurity innovation, featuring advanced AI-driven threat detection and real-time protection capabilities."

Brand Messaging Framework

A Brand Messaging Framework ensures all company communications consistently and authentically represent the brand’s values and identity. This framework helps develop a coherent brand voice across all platforms and communications. The below is the most comprehensive. 

Steps to Develop a Brand Message

Step 1: Define Your Core Values

  • Identify Fundamental Beliefs: What are the core principles that drive your business?
  • Example: "Innovation, Integrity, and Customer Focus."

Step 2: Understand Your Audience

  • Conduct Market Research: Learn about your target audience's needs, preferences, and behaviours.
  • Example: "IT managers looking for reliable cybersecurity solutions."
  • Align Messaging: Tailor your messaging to effectively address these aspects.
  • Example: "Highlight the ease of integration and robust security features."

Step 3: Craft Your Brand Promise

  • Summarise Your Commitment: What does your brand commit to delivering to every customer?
  • Example: "We ensure unparalleled data security and seamless integration."

Step 4: Develop Messaging Pillars

  • Create Key Themes: What are the key themes that support your brand promise?
  • Example: "Security, Innovation, Reliability."
  • Reinforce the Narrative: Ensure each message reinforces your brand’s overall narrative.
  • Example: "Every piece of content emphasiszes our cutting-edge security technology."

Step 5: Create a Voice and Tone Guide

  • Establish Communication Guidelines: Define your brand’s style, tone, and language.
  • Example: "Professional, Trustworthy, and Friendly."
  • Ensure Consistency: Apply these guidelines across all content.
  • Example: "From social media posts to customer service interactions."

Step 6: Implement Across Channels

  • Apply Consistently: Ensure the framework is applied consistently across all communication channels.
  • Example: "Marketing materials, website content, social media, and customer service."



Creating effective communication in today’s dynamic and multifaceted world requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of your audience. Through this guide, we have explored various messaging frameworks, each offering a unique lens through which to view and refine your external communication strategies. From the classic AIDA model to the detailed Value Proposition Canvas, and the structured SCQA framework to the compelling PAS method, these tools help you to create messages that resonate, engage, and drive action.

Implementing these frameworks helps ensure your messages are not only heard but also felt and acted upon by your target audience. By focusing on clarity, credibility, consistency, and competitiveness, you build a strong, recognisable brand presence that stands out in a crowded marketplace. Tailoring your messaging to address your audience’s pain points, needs, and desires fosters deeper connections and drives customer loyalty.

The journey doesn’t end here.

Effective communication is an ongoing process of learning, adapting, and evolving. Regularly revisit these frameworks, analyse your performance metrics, and be willing to tweak your approach to align with shifting audience preferences and market dynamics. Stay curious, stay innovative, and keep your audience at the heart of all your communications.

Whether you are launching a new product, managing a crisis, or engaging with stakeholders, these frameworks will serve as your North Star, ensuring your communication is strategic, impactful, and aligned with your brand’s core values. 


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