Case Studies


Written by Claire Williamson | Jun 10, 2024 8:07:21 PM


Elevating LatticeFlow's Market Presence through Strategic PR of its Series A. 

LatticeFlow is a platform designed to improve the performance and safety of AI models by automatically diagnosing and fixing data and model issues. It helps teams enhance AI reliability, identify hidden errors, and ensure robust deployment at scale. The platform is ideal for various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and defence, ensuring AI systems are trustworthy and effective.


LatticeFlow secured a $12 million Series A funding round. Resonance was enlisted to use its media relations and technological expertise to boost awareness of the AI platform and position it favourably as an increasing number of companies are implementing computer vision models at scale. 


The PR strategy focused on leveraging LatticeFlow's innovative technology and the impressive milestones achieved through the funding round. Resonance aimed to: 

  • Highlight LatticeFlow's unique value proposition in the AI and computer vision sectors. 

  • Establish the founders as thought leaders and innovators in the AI industry. 

  • Secure high-impact media coverage in top-tier publications to reach a broad audience. 


Resonance implemented a comprehensive media relations plan, which included: 

  • Supporting the messaging and storyline development to ensure maximum impact across key publications, reaching LatticeFlow’s target audience. 
  • Developing press releases and pitching the story to key journalists in the AI, technology, and business sectors. 
  • Coordinating interviews and feature articles with influential media outlets, developing thought-leader content to showcase the vision and innovation of LatticeFlow. 
  • Utilising newsjacking techniques to insert LatticeFlow into relevant industry discussions and trending topics. 


  • 16 pieces of coverage secured, including a significant article in TechCrunch (14.1 million UMV). 
  • Articles published in business, fintech, and AI publications, notably Enterprise AI and AI Business. 
  • Founder Petar Tsankov was featured on Sky News’ Ian King Live to discuss LatticeFlow's platform, establishing him as an innovator and leader in the AI space. 

Media Coverage Highlights 


Through strategic media relations and targeted PR efforts, Resonance significantly elevated LatticeFlow's market presence. The campaign not only boosted awareness of the company’s innovative technology but also established its founders as key thought leaders in the AI industry. This successful PR initiative underscores the importance of a well-executed PR strategy in achieving substantial brand growth and visibility.