Case Studies


Written by William Day | Aug 27, 2024 3:17:40 PM

Highlighting Howspace's Collaboration Expertise

Howspace is a leading AI-powered collaboration platform that empowers organisations to bring their people together to learn, collaborate, and arrive at decisions that drive progress. Howspace is based on decades of organisational change leadership. They work with global enterprises, learning institutions, and NGOs, across diverse teams and geographies.


Howspace was looking to generate awareness and momentum through press coverage that reflected its key messages, building the company as a leader in the collaborative impact category in top tier media.  



We suggested conducting independent research that would give Howspace a strong foundation for media outreach.

  • We designed the survey, which got to the heart of workers’ concerns, and analysed the responses, which spanned 7 countries, 15 industries, and over 3,000 respondents.
  • Once the findings were final, we generated key headlines and three press releases that spoke to the issues facing the global workforce.
  • The campaign positioned Howspace as an expert in collaboration practices, with the data supporting its reputation as an insightful thought leader. 

We then conducted global media outreach targeting tier one workplace-focused publications. 


We secured 22 pieces of coverage, exceeding the outlined KPIs of the project. The coverage included HR, technology, business, healthcare, and education press in the UK and the US, with over 45 per cent of coverage being in Tier 1 press. The total coverage circulation exceeded 13,520,135 with an average circulation of 614,552.

Howspace established relationships with targeted analysts from Forrester and IDC. 

The report was used as supporting evidence in an industry piece within Inc Magazine, cementing Howspace’s reputation as a trustworthy source of authority in the wider media. This publication has a domain authority of 92 and reaches a monthly audience of 12,300,000.