Case Studies


Written by Claire Williamson | Jul 23, 2024 10:57:39 AM


Driving Ensono’s Brand Equity to New Heights

Since 2017, Resonance has partnered with Ensono, a leading hybrid IT services provider, to drive brand awareness and credibility amongst its target audience of partners, clients and prospects.   


  • Complex Topics: Ensono deals with intricate technical subjects. Simplifying these for the media and a general audience without losing essential details was a key challenge. 
  • Competition, competition, competition: The market is crowded and differentiation is difficult. Taking a storytelling approach and ensuring Ensono was commenting on the right things, in the right way at the right time was key. 
  • Thought Leadership Positioning: Competing with other firms for media attention and credibility required a consistent stream of high-quality content and engagement. 
  • Media Relations: Building and sustaining relationships with journalists and analysts who may not fully understand complex consulting topics demanded ongoing effort. 
  • Ensuring PR supported marketing and sales: PR investment always needs to return. Working to create compelling stories and content that not only placed headlines, but also spoke to the challenges and painpoints of their target audience was key to motivate the right action. Aligning marketing strategies with sales goals to effectively generate and nurture leads through various sales funnel stages was crucial. 


  • Simplifying Complexity: Used storytelling techniques like case studies and analogies to make sophisticated concepts more accessible. 
  • Building THE RIGHT Influencer Relationships: Invested in nurturing relationships with key journalists and analysts, providing them with valuable insights and data. 
  • Consistent Thought Leadership: Developed a thought leadership calendar to ensure a steady stream of high-quality content and engaged in speaking opportunities, webinars, and industry events. 
  • Placing the prospect front and centre: Research where prospects operate, and the most influential content and publications for them, and put a plan into action. 
  • Integrated Campaigns: Aligned marketing efforts with sales objectives, using integrated campaigns that guided prospects through the sales funnel with relevant content. 


  • Media Placements: Over 100 media placements annually, consistently surpassing targets. Noting we don’t count anything that isn’t on our carefully refined target list of publications, syndications or wire.
  • Top-Tier Hits: Featured in prestigious publications like The Independent, Reuters, The Times, The Mirror, City AM, Yahoo News, and Computer Weekly. 
  • Thought Leadership: Established executives as industry leaders with numerous thought leadership placements. 
  • Campaign Successes: 
    • The Microsoft 365 and SAP on Azure campaigns drove huge media engagement. 
    • The Speak Up campaign on diversity received widespread coverage and recognition in top outlets.
    • Massive Reach: Achieved millions of online views and strong social media engagement.  
    • Award Success: Secured multiple industry awards, boosting credibility and market position. 


Resonance’s strategic approach supported Ensono’s media presence and solidified its status as a technology consulting leader. Through relentless media engagement, powerful thought leadership, and impactful campaigns, we drove Ensono’s brand to new heights.