Resonance Blog

Working with #techforgood organisations

Written by Laura Brockbank | Jan 16, 2020 5:51:59 PM

At Resonance, we’re passionate about working with purpose-driven clients and partners who are dedicated to making a real difference. Whether that’s leading the way in AI, using big data to revolutionise the health sector, or keeping people safe online.


Last year, we decided to take our #techforgood ethos to the next level, and collaborate with projects and organisations that are helping real people, right now.


Our first choice of partners was vCreate – the secure NHS-trusted video platform, used in paediatric and neonatal intensive care units across the country. 


The incredible app enables nursing teams to produce and share videos and photos with parents when they can’t be with their baby. These updates are vital for parents during those precious moments they may miss when separated from their newborns, such as their first bottle, first bath time or first time off the nebuliser. It keeps new parents in the loop, providing both psychological and physiological support during this difficult time.


What makes vCreate even more special is that, rather than charging the NHS run neonatal units – which are already financially stretched – it is funded via a sponsor-led model through charities and corporate organisations. We knew, therefore, that all of our efforts should be spent maximising vCreate’s exposure to Trusts, charities and enterprises looking to invest in #techforgood causes.


When we began working with the team, we knew we wanted to start with a bang – to get them in front of key hospital Trusts and demonstrate their amazing work as soon as possible. With Christmas looming, it was the perfect time to celebrate the family unity that the application brings, along with the physiological and psychological benefits.


With this in mind, we combined the first anniversary of vCreate in one of south England’s largest neonatal units – Southampton Princess Anne Hospital – with an inspiring case-study of a family with triplets who had recently been discharged.


After collating all of the relevant statistics, comments and pitches, we were astounded at how many families experienced the trauma of having to leave a premature baby in the hospital. Over 60,000 babies are born prematurely in the UK every year, which equates to 1 in every 13 babies. While a staggering statistic, it’s difficult to comprehend what this truly means for the families.


Armed with Victoria’s story – the mother of triplets who couldn’t take all her babies’ home until 9 weeks after birth – we began reaching out to key healthcare journalists across broadcast nationals. It was a pleasure to pitch this heart-warming piece, and we had some great conversations about how the story could work for radio, broadcast and online.


The BBC quickly let us know that they wanted to pursue the story, which, as a top tier target, was an exciting result! We began liaising with the journalists on dates for filming, sharing all the information that they needed and making sure that everyone involved – from the charity, to the matron, to the mother, to the triplets – were happy with the arrangements.


On the day of filming, we travelled to Southampton to coordinate the spokespeople and offer direction to those being interviewed. After tackling hospital parking, the rest of the day was relatively straightforward!


Everyone was prepped and excited to be part of this opportunity, so it was a high-energy and very moving afternoon. The Ward Matron, Fiona Lawson, took it all in her stride, managing a busy neonatal ward and accommodating us (plus giving an amazing interview). We were all fighting back tears when Victoria retold her story to the journalist, talking about the late restless nights separated from her children when a photo sent by a caring nurse helped more than she could say.


After speaking to Stuart, the Director of vCreate, about the technical intricacies of the app – and a few more adorable videos of the triplets – the journalist was happy that she’d captured the heart of the story. We liaised on some further specifics and were told to keep our eyes peeled on the 27th December.


When the morning came around, we were delighted to see the article go live on BBC News, the footage broadcast to the entire UK on BBC Breakfast and BBC South Today, and a discussion about the app shared on BBC Radio 4’s Women’s Hour. vCreate was inundated with positive messages and engagement on social media, and everyone involved was over the moon with the representation of them and their work.


Not only did these key features increase brand awareness and drive interest in vCreate’s secure video platform, they led to new enquiries from other NHS Trusts, new units and even some international hospitals.


Demonstrating ROI is really important for us at Resonance, and it’s so motivating to see the direct impact this coverage has had for the not-for-profit organisation. Not only has this been rewarding for our team and company, it has also helped us to think more laterally and creatively. This sort of #techforgood outreach has given us the opportunity to see things through a different lens, creating new stories and reaching out to new areas of the press.


Now, this inspirational app will be in even more NHS Trusts across the UK and beyond as the year progresses – helping further families stay connected during their baby’s stay in hospital. We’re excited to continue to work with vCreate this year, as they take their secure platform to the next level.


If you’d like to spread the love then check out vCreate’s amazing website, and BBC Breakfast’s brilliant coverage here.