Resonance Blog

Want to Get the Most Out of Analyst Relations? Well Look No Further: Training Courses Available

Written by Nadia Nizar | Nov 26, 2020 1:48:27 PM

Analyst Relations is a key component in the enterprise technology buying journey. It can no longer be siloed to the corner of product management or an annual duty in participating in the Magic Quadrant or PEAK Matrix.

Like any other relationship in life, it is one that develops over time and is nurtured through frequent interactions of various types where both parties (vendor and analyst) gain mutual benefits.

Companies invest significant amount of their budget in analyst licences, but they are not sure how to get engage effectively and gain a return on investment. It’s a problem brands come to us with frequently. Another issue we come across is that analyst relations professionals know what needs to be done, but their executives are not adequately equipped to brief and interact with analysts. They are not sure how to train their executives to speak to analysts effectively and gain insights from these interactions.

Here at Resonance, with our years of hands-on experience of working with analysts and vendors, we have prepared two types of training workshops to help analyst professionals and their executives, get the most out of analyst relations:

  1. AR training for the AR specialist

This helps you understand how to develop your strategy all the way through to vendor briefings, inquiry calls and participating in major reports such as the Forrest Wave or Everest PEAK Matrix

  1. AR training for the exec spokespeople

This workshop helps your executives understand your role, as well as theirs in how to effectively interact with the various types of analyst interactions and how to incorporate into the company’s go-to-market strategy

Tailored workshops are also available that incorporate the above workshops but is designed to meet the specific needs of your organisation and your business strategy.

Most executives have already been media trained and understand how to interact with various types of journalists. However, analyst relations is different. Analyst briefings can feel more relaxed than journalist interviews, but it is important to remember that they are critical and hold as much, if not more value in generating credibility with the people buying from you.

In the simplest of terms, analysts have two roles:

  1. Advising vendors/developers on strategies to maximise revenue and go-to-market
  2. Advising buyers: analysts research the market and advise buyers.

Resonance understands that organisations and marketing professionals are stretched during the current climate, so we’re offering free one-hour analyst relations programme health checks. These sessions provide an opportunity to:

  • Discuss your current AR programme
  • Discuss how it aligns to your organisation’s sales and marketing strategy
  • Understand how to interact effectively with analysts

If you would like to know more about the workshops, or book a free analyst relations health check then complete this form: 

Or if you would like to speak to know about our Analyst Relations services, then simply email us at or call us on +44 (0) 20 8819 3170. We’re here to help.