Resonance Blog

Leveraging Great Coverage to Kick-start your Public Relations Strategy

Written by Tom Fry | Jul 19, 2024 10:25:12 AM

For founders, CEOs, and CMOs of startups being recognised in a significant publication is a fantastic accolade, but how can you really maximise it to your advantage? Not just in the short term, but in the long term, using it to build your credibility and kick-starting your public relations strategy.

Read our guide to help you make the most of your recognition.


Capitalise on Immediate Momentum

When your startup gains recognition in an important publication, you should (of course) share it across your owned channels - social media and your website. Here are our tips to maximise this immediate momentum:

Share on Social Media: Highlight the accolade across all your social media platforms, and prioritise LinkedIn. Tag the journalists and publications involved to extend your reach, and ask your employees to amplify the news by liking and resharing. This will maximise the chance that the social media algorithms further promote this as a noteworthy piece of news outside your usual network.

Feature on Your Website: Consider creating a dedicated press page on your website where all your media coverage is showcased and start with this recognition. This adds credibility and serves as a resource for future media coverage. You could use this area to feature a media kit for maximum professionalism.

Incorporate into Newsletters: Share your press coverage in a newsletter you send to your prospects, investors, clients, and partners. It will keep your audience informed and engaged with your latest achievements.

Add a banner to your email footer: Include your success in your emails as a banner in your email footer, linking through to your website feature page.

Use UTM codes: To track the success of assets you're creating - especially newsletters and your email footers, use UTM codes on your links. (You can find out more about UTM codes in this HubSpot explainer: ). This means you can track this as a campaign in Google Analytics or on your marketing CRM.


Using Your News to Build for Long Term Success

Securing a spot in a prestigious publication is just the beginning. To sustain and grow this recognition, focus on building long-term relationships with media and influencers in your industry.

  1. Nurture Media Contacts: Maintain regular contact with the journalists and editors who cover your company. Share updates, invite them to events, and provide exclusive insights into your company's developments. Building a rapport with media personnel can lead to ongoing coverage and stronger media relations. The most professional way to share your news is by way of press releases and media alerts.

  2. Develop Thought Leadership: Position yourself and your company as thought leaders in your industry. Write guest articles, participate in industry panels, and offer expert commentary on relevant topics. This consistent presence reinforces your authority and keeps your brand in the spotlight. Many publications take bylined articles these days.

  3. Leverage Influencers: Identify influencers and key opinion leaders in your niche and build partnerships with them. Their endorsement can significantly amplify your reach and credibility. Collaborate on content, events, and campaigns to keep your brand relevant and visible in the long run.

Create a Sustainable PR Strategy

Use your high-impact media mention to kick-start a longer-term, more sustainable PR strategy.

To build a long-term plan, start by setting clear objectives. Define what you want to achieve with your PR efforts, whether it's brand awareness, customer acquisition, or investor interest. Having clear objectives will guide your strategy and help measure success.

Consistent content creation is core to a sustainable PR strategy. Regularly produce and share high-quality content that highlights your company's achievements, values, and vision. Blog posts, case studies, and video content can keep your audience engaged and informed. Use press releases and media alerts to keep journalists informed, and build your presence in the media.

PR analytics tools can monitor the impact of your efforts. Track metrics such as media mentions, website traffic, social media engagement, and customer inquiries. Regularly review these metrics to refine and improve your strategy.

When to Leverage Agency Support

When you feel you need an extra push to elevate your brand awareness and unlock your next stage of growth, investing in an agency with expertise in helping emerging brands could be transformative. 

A good PR agency can boost your brand’s narrative, connect you with broader audiences, and get you covered on influential media platforms - gaining traction well beyond your current reach. Not only this, agencies are strategic. They will consider your go-to-market plan and bring proactive actionable ideas to help you elevate your brand in the media and amongst your target audience.

If you’re on the fence, consider starting with a project-based engagement. This approach allows you to gauge their impact and fit with your business before committing to a longer-term, retainer-based partnership.


Conclusion - Our Three Takeaways

  1. Capitalise on Immediate Momentum: When your startup gains recognition in a major publication, share the news widely on social media, your website, newsletters, and email footers. Use UTM codes to track the success of these efforts and maximise the immediate impact of the recognition.

  2. Build Long-Term Success: Sustain and grow your recognition by nurturing relationships with media contacts, developing thought leadership, and leveraging influencers. Consistently engage with journalists, contribute expert commentary, and collaborate with key opinion leaders to maintain visibility and credibility in your industry.

  3. Create a Sustainable PR Strategy: Develop a long-term PR plan with clear objectives, consistent content creation, and regular use of PR analytics tools. Consider agency support when needed, starting with project-based engagements to evaluate their impact before committing to a long-term partnership.

Leveraging great coverage is an excellent way to kick-start your public relations strategy. By combining short-term actions with long-term plans, you can turn a single recognition into a powerful and sustainable PR momentum for your startup.