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For The Challengers. The Rebels. The Innovators.


Public Relations
Analyst Relations
Social Listening

Find out how Resonance combines the art of storytelling with innovation, behavioural science, data science and first-hand technology expertise to deliver business outcomes.


We have entered a new epoch, one defined by data and AI. As industries increasingly rely on data to differentiate themselves from competitors and drive decision making, so too does the need for clear, precise, and impactful communication increase.

Resonance ensure messages are not only heard but resonate with the right audience, making them uniquely positioned to serve businesses in this transformative age.


tom-1"The intricacies of the data-driven landscape is written into the DNA of Resonance. We are built for the data economy."

Our Approach

We pride ourselves on taking a unique and innovative approach to every project we undertake. Our team of experts combines their extensive knowledge and experience to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Our Expertise

We have a deep understanding and mastery of our craft. Our team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, allowing us to tackle any project with confidence and precision. 

We stay ahead of the curve by constantly staying updated on the latest industry trends and technologies. This enables us to provide innovative solutions that exceed expectations.

Our Vision

We envision a world where businesses thrive and excel, empowered by our innovative solutions and strategic approach. Our goal is to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, helping them achieve their business objectives and stay ahead of the competition.



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Every brand has its challenges, we're here to help.

Our specialists are at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and cloud computing, staying ahead of the curve to deliver innovative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

With a proven track record of success, Resonance is your trusted partner for all your technical needs. 

Explore our solutions to your marketing challenges.

From AI to Cloud, Resonance proudly boasts a team of seasoned professionals with an unrivalled depth of technical expertise.

tom-1"In Tech PR we have a front row seat to the changing technology landscape. From Generative AI to Quantum, it's our job to insert our clients' voices into the narrative"

Our specialists are at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and cloud computing, staying ahead of the curve to deliver innovative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

With a proven track record of success, Resonance is your trusted partner for all your marketing needs. 

Read our Case Studies

Resonance works with the challengers, the rebels and the innovators. Read about some of our work.


Aiven was looking to cement its open source credits, Resonance analysed terabytes of Github data to create a PR news story.


When Google and Yahoo announced upcoming changes to their email policies, Resonance leveraged the news to raise EasyDMARC's global presence.

Insights from Resonance


News and views from the Resonance team.


Data and insights have never been more crucial in a world plagued with uncertainty and complexity.

Resonance interviewed 100 analyst relations professionals and found Analyst Relations (AR) has become a central force that brings strategic, competitive edges to businesses.


Claire-1"In a world where the only constant is change, how do tech brands stay one step ahead of the market? That's where Resonance comes in"

Wavelength is our regular podcast bringing you influential voices in B2B technology from journalists to marketing leaders .

Listen to our episode where we interviewed Seb Moss of DataCenterDynamics on all things Data Centre-related

Seb Moss Wavelength


Resonance is a B2B tech PR, AR and content marketing consultancy that helps brands grow.

Our passion and energy comes from the blurring of corporate reputation management and demand generation.

We are technology, business and communications experts made up of a team of computer scientists, journalists and marketing communication specialists.

Jess"Resonance is a group of technology, business and communications experts"

prcacouncil2023  CMS

Resonance is a proud member of the PRCA and holds its CMS accreditation. Our founding team members hold senior positions on the PRCA Council helping to share the future of the PR industry.


We're always on the look-out for great talent to join the team. If you're an exceptional Account Director, Account Manager - or a grad looking to build a career in Tech PR - then get in touch!


Find out more about our culture and the values that everyone who works for us embodies.

3 min read

How MSPs Can Maximise AI’s Opportunity with a Strategic PR Approach

How MSPs Can Maximise AI’s Opportunity with a Strategic PR Approach

Artificial Intelligence is no longer a theoretical concept; it is a present-day reality reshaping industries worldwide. From healthcare to finance, AI's transformative potential is being utilised to improve efficiency, decision-making, and drive innovation. However, as businesses race to integrate AI, they face myriad challenges that require expert guidance and a balanced approach to ensure ethical and equitable use.

The Need for Expert Guidance 

Businesses are increasingly turning to consulting firms to navigate the complexities of AI implementation. According to a recent article by the New York Times, these firms play a crucial role in helping organisations understand and deploy AI technologies effectively. They provide valuable insights into regulatory requirements, ethical considerations, and best practices for leveraging AI's capabilities. Notably, AI consulting services are becoming significant sources for revenue growth. For example, about 40% of McKinsey's business this year will be AI-related

Ethical Considerations and Data Security 

While AI offers numerous benefits, it also raises significant ethical concerns. Algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate biases, leading to unfair outcomes. Ensuring equity and diversity in AI applications is essential to avoid reinforcing societal inequalities. Moreover, data security is paramount. AI systems often handle vast amounts of sensitive information, making robust data protection measures critical to prevent leaks and breaches. 

The Financial Times highlights the regulatory sensitivities that businesses must navigate in the AI era. Compliance with evolving regulations and maintaining public trust are paramount concerns. Companies must be proactive in establishing transparent and ethical AI practices to mitigate risks and uphold their reputations. 

Our client Saidot exemplifies the importance of transparency and accountability in AI systems. Saidot, a responsible AI pioneer, has developed a platform that helps enterprises to ensure their AI systems are transparent, explainable, and aligned with ethical standards. Its approach involves engaging with stakeholders across various sectors to create AI governance frameworks that can be trusted by all. By offering tools that help organisations audit, evaluate, and document their AI systems for risks including bias and misinformation, Saidot addresses the pressing need for fairness and accountability. Its work underscores the necessity for companies to not only comply with regulations but also actively engage in ethical AI practices to build and maintain trust with their users and the wider public. 


The Role of Consulting Firms 

Consulting firms are pivotal in bridging the gap between AI potential and practical application. They offer expertise in integrating AI into existing business processes, ensuring that implementations are both innovative and responsible. Forbes discusses how the AI revolution is reshaping traditional consulting, emphasising the need for firms to adapt and offer specialised services that address the unique challenges of AI adoption. 

How Consulting Firms and MSPs Can Maximise the Opportunity with a Strategic PR Approach 

The reports in the FT and the New York Times tell the story. The rapid growth of AI – GenAI - presents a golden opportunity for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and consulting firms to offer invaluable guidance to businesses navigating this complex landscape.  

GenAI is becoming a critical component of business strategy, companies need expert advice to implement these technologies effectively and ethically. They need to work with leaders and innovators in the space to uncover the best use cases, ensuring they keep pace with customer need, customer demand, the competition and the breakneck pace at which industries are evolving in this era.  

Consulting firms can step in to provide tailored solutions that address regulatory challenges, ethical considerations, and best practices for AI integration. They can help lead the charge towards innovation.  

Maximising the Opportunity 

To capitalise on this opportunity, and compete with the big consulting firms, challenger consulting firms and MSPs can work to position themselves as THE partners for this era. This not only includes being a thought leader in the space, but could also be niche industry knowledge and application of AI (for example, retail). You’ll need to find your differentiators and ensure your messaging is consistent and relentless in communicating those differentiators.

If you want to learn more about the ins and outs of effective messaging, then check out our latest messaging frameworks here

This involves not only demonstrating their expertise through comprehensive knowledge and innovative solutions but also communicating this expertise effectively. Resonance advises firms with strategic marketing and communications to showcase their thought leadership aligned with the buyer’s journey. 

  1. Thought Leadership: Develop and share content that highlights your depth and breadth of understanding of AI trends, challenges, and solutions. Blogs, whitepapers, and use case write-ups can show off your knowledge and expertise.
  1. Social Proof: Back up claims with robust social proof. Highlight successful client engagements, including testimonials, case studies, and industry awards. This builds credibility and trust with potential clients.
  1. Engagement: Actively engage with industry events, webinars, and forums to share insights and connect with potential clients. This not only reinforces your authority but also keeps you abreast of the latest developments in AI.
  1. Transparency and Ethics: Ensure that your marketing communications reflect a commitment to ethical AI practices. Transparency in how AI is used and its benefits and limitations can help build long-term trust with clients.

Every consulting firm and MSP has its own story to tell. At Resonance, we help organisations do this effectively, supporting growth and maximising on AI's opportunity. 

For more insights and the latest updates on AI's impact on business and communications visit our latest GenAI pillar page.