Resonance Blog

Avoiding the AI Noise: Ensuring Authenticity in Your Brand Messaging

Written by Claire Williamson | Jul 3, 2024 9:26:02 AM

You'd have to be living under a rock to not notice the noise around GenAI lately. It's everywhere—on social media, in news articles, and at tech conferences. According to Meltwater's recent analysis, there were 12.2 million mentions of GenAI over the past week. That’s apparently a 12% decrease from the previous period's 13.8 million.  

Combine this with Google Trends data and the picture is clear. The interest in GenAI is not going away. People are actively searching for information and updates about this technology, indicating ongoing curiosity and engagement. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become serious buzzwords, now at the peak of their inflated expectation. 

We recently had our client, OpenOcean, speaking to the BBC on exactly this. The hype around new technology isn't new—blockchain, augmented reality, and 3D printing all had their moments in the spotlight before proving their use cases (though the struggle is still real for all this tech, the spotlight has moved on).

As OpenOcean team member Sri Ayangar points out, competition for funding and the desire to appear cutting-edge have pushed some companies to overstate their AI capabilities. This isn't just a problem for investors; it's a problem for brand trust. If brands push AI capabilities they don't have, it could lead to a devastating impact on trust, critical for success. Staying true to who you are is crucial. Of course, those with a long heritage of AI can now strategically play their hands. 

The Importance of Authentic Messaging 

Amidst the AI hype, brands must focus on authentic and impactful messaging. According to recent findings from Resonance's research on IT and business decision-makers, a significant majority value genuine, clear, and compelling messages that cut through the AI fog. This reinforces the need for brands to highlight true innovation and practical impact rather than relying on buzzwords. 

Key Strategies for Authentic AI Messaging 

So what are the key strategies to focus on?

  1. Highlight Real Innovation: Instead of generic claims, focus on specific examples of how your AI solutions bring real value. Share case studies, customer testimonials, and concrete results to demonstrate the tangible benefits of your AI technologies. 
  2. Avoid Exaggeration: Resist the temptation to overstate the capabilities of your AI solutions. Inauthentic claims can quickly lead to scepticism and damage your brand’s reputation. Stick to what your technology can truly deliver. 
  3. Focus on Unique Strengths: Every brand has unique strengths and a distinct story. Leverage your brand’s heritage, unique capabilities, and proven successes to stand out. Authenticity comes from a genuine representation of your brand’s journey and achievements. 
  4. Engage with Thought Leaders: Collaborate with industry experts, influencers, and thought leaders to add credibility to your messaging. Their endorsements can help validate your claims and enhance your brand’s authority in the AI space. 
  5. Maintain Transparency: Be open about the limitations and ongoing development of your AI technologies. Transparency builds trust and shows that your brand is committed to continuous improvement and honest communication. 
Avoiding the Noise 

Brands need to avoid contributing to the AI noise by ensuring they have something real and valuable to say. Simply adding to the conversation without substance can dilute your message and undermine your brand’s credibility. Focus on delivering insights, sharing knowledge, and contributing meaningfully to discussions around AI. 


In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, brands must prioritise authenticity and clarity in their messaging. By focusing on genuine innovation, avoiding exaggeration, and maintaining transparency, brands can ensure their voice stands out without adding to the noise. This approach not only enhances brand credibility but also creates trust and engagement with your audience.